USA Reading Clinic

Dramatically Enhance Reading Ability, Comprehension, and Enjoyment
41 Crossroads Plaza #273
West Hartford, CT 06117
Serving All 50 States
Toll-free: 1-888-834-7323
Reading Help for Children with Reading Disabilities
Finally! Your child can get an A+ in reading
Proven reading system that has a 96% success rate and has already helped thousands of children begin to see improvements in only 7 days!
Begin to see results in just 7 DAYS! GUARANTEED. Or your money back!!
Imagine if you learn years from now that
there was a solution that no one told you about?
If you spent thousands and thousands of dollars on learning centers that only resulted in more frustration for your child...
If you spent months or years sending your child to tutors when you could have seen a dramatic difference in only a few hours...
Suppose you could have avoided the late-night homework assignments, sleepless nights and breakdowns you and your child endured...
Get ready... because all that can be a distant memory and your child can be reading at the top of the class in no time at all.
- Improve Reading Comprehension
- Increase Reading Fluency
- Sharpen Attention Span and Focus
- Raise Grades and Homework Skills
- Develop Child Self-Esteem and Confidence
- Dramatically Enhance Reading Enjoyment
The USA Reading Clinic System was founded by Dr. Jerry Blum for the sole purpose of helping children improve their reading skills. Using the most up-to-date computer technology that runs on any home computer, the USA Reading Clinic System actually trains the brain to process text. See us on the web