SafePassage Adolescent Services is ready to assist parents of troubled teens who are faced with a daunting decision of how to get their at-risk adolescent to the therapeutic school or program of choice. Parents, there are only two choices: take them yourself or hire a professional service like SafePassage to transport your child.
So ,many parents agonize over the decision when really it is quite simple: if you can have a dinner table conversation with your troubled-teen knowing that they will by into your plan to change up their life, send them to a new school or short term wilderness program, separate them from their friends, TV, iPod, iPad, cell phone; put them in therapy so the can receive help for the issues that have thrown them in crisis: drugs, alcohol, sex, dealing, depression and the like, then by all means you should take your child.
However, if you have any thought that your at-risk teen will react negatively to what you are about to do then DO NOT tell him/her in advance, call SafePassage and let us provide a professional Transport Team to be of support to you when you tell your son or daughter what you have decided. Remember, if you are not 100% positive as to their reaction you are setting your at-risk teenager up to run away if you tell them without the proper support.
Parents often falsely believe that they can tell their teenager they are going on a vacation, get them in the car and when they arrive tell them: welcome to their new boarding school. This is wrong. Lying to your children never accomplishes anything but causes irreparable damage to your relationship.
SafePassage Transport Teams are trained in Crisis Management and Intervention as well as Para-verbal communication and verbal De-escallation. Our Teams work with the students we transport from the time they are introduced until they arrive at the destination school or program to help the teens come to a place of acceptance of the opportunity that has been provided. Our Teams work to create a peaceful environment for transition so that your teenager does not feel threatened or fearful, but feels reassured that he/she can trust the decision their parents have made for them to be a good one.