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Many children with reading disorders are unusually bright, and rely on memorization and guessing to read a large number of words. This allows them to "get by" without acquiring a strong foundation in basic decoding skills. By third or fourth grade, they often "hit the wall" with reading. What is Decoding? Decoding is the ability to read words accurately based upon knowledge of phonetic rules and common word patterns. Early phonetic patterns include short vowels, regular long vowels (oa, ow, ai, ay, ea, ee, ue, ui, igh, ie, silent 'e') and irregular vowel digraphs (ow, ou, au, aw, oy, oi, ui, ew). Poor decoders often cannot accurately read these vowels in isolation or in nonsense words. Without a strong grasp of these rules and patterns, they focus primarily on consonants, and guess at words based upon the shape of the word or the letters in the word. This causes them to confuse or substitute similar appearing words (e.g. couch/coach, tall/tail, better/bitter, drown/drawn, party/pretty, jaw/ jay, thirsty/twenty), even when those word substitutions change the meaning of the sentence. Poor decoders also guess at words based upon the context of the sentence or story. Weak readers rely heavily on guessing, whereas good readers use their decoding skills first, and only then assess whether the word they decoded makes sense within the context of the sentence.
Sight Words
Hitting the Wall
Children who are lack these skills begin to fall further behind. As sentences become less predictable, guessing strategies become less reliable and inaccuracies increase. Reading becomes increasingly effortful. Fatigue and inaccuracies can begin to interfere with comprehension. Ineffective reading strategies and negative feelings about reading become ingrained, and are difficult to change. Third and fourth grade are a critical point in time for reading. At that point, children shift from "learning to read" to "reading to learn". Academic vocabulary and academic knowledge are built through reading. Poor readers are at risk in multiple subject areas if they are not able to improve their reading skills.
What can be done?
Linda Balsiger, M.S., CCC-SLP is a learning specialist and certified speech-language pathologist. She is the owner of Bend Language & Learning, a private practice focused on language and learning disorders. See for more information. |