A Difference Maker
If you could improve the future of your child, wouldn't you?
3721 SE Grant CT
Portland OR 97214
Tel: 503.708.4656
Special Education and Disability Support for Children and Youth
Portland, OR and SW Washington
Consultation and Special Education support for families of children with different abilities who reside in Oregon and SW Washington
Anne Saraceno is a a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Portland, Oregon.
She offers families, and their children and teens:
30 years experience working with families and children with disabilities, different abilities and differences
extensive training in special education law and regulations including Special Education Law Conferences; Office of Special Education Trainings and participation in review of Oregon Administrative Rules.
30 years experience assisting families and professionals in determining best approach for evaluation and assessment
30 years experience working with families and professionals to access the best services for each child identifies.
Trained in Helping Our Toddlers, Developing Our Children's Skills Parenting Program
Successful Grant writer, private, federal and state
Liaison services
Mediation services
Call her at: 503.708.4656 or email her at: adifferencemaker@ymail.com