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How to Cope with Attention Deficit Disorder in Your Children

by Evan Coldsmith

It is a challenging time for parents whose children have been diagnosed with 'attention deficit disorder'. Parents often become unnecessarily tensed and suffer from a guilty complex that they are in some way responsible for this state of their children. In their anxiety they further add to the complexity of the situation. This all happens due to their ignorance about this disease. Well, "attention deficit disorder," is a disease, and can be cured gradually if handled properly and quickly after the diagnosis has been made. The parents should take relief in the fact that they are not alone to go through this predicament, millions of children alone in the USA are being detected with this disorder and modern medical science has developed many useful therapies to deal effectively with the problem.

First of all, no single test has been so far worked out to determine whether someone has ADD. An extensive evaluation alone can tell whether your child has ADD. The diagnosis process involves elimination of other possible causes for the behavioral disorder, a thorough physical check-up, and a thorough discussion with the important persons in the child's life such as the parents, teachers and like. So be careful if you notice the following symptoms in your child:

  • The child can not concentrate on a specific task for long periods of time and inattentive in whatever he is doing.
  • Can not control impulses; generally get irritated at slightest pretext and throws tantrums without thinking of the consequences.
  • Generally do not show respect to rules and can not complete tasks within given time.
  • Can not sit still for long time, runs around without any purpose.
  • Behavior lacks consistency.

The problem of ADD can be addressed with prescription medicine. But what is more important than medicine is a compassionate handling of the situation by those who are closely associated with the child's life. A child with ADD needs special attention not only at home, but also in school, and in the community. The role of the teachers and the peers is particularly important to help the child cope with the symptoms of ADD.

There should be a continuous communication between the parents and the school. Special attention has to be given in school to identify and boost up the areas of strength. It will work for building up of self-esteem and success. The teachers should always remember that the kid with ADD may need more help than other kids in his age group.

Parents should always remember that children with ADD often experience alienation in peer group, and for that reason they suffer from low self-esteem and loneliness and in some cases even fear. So parents must be compassionate, patient and open minded in their dealing with the child suffering from the symptoms of ADD.

Counseling and support groups come to great help for the parents to cope up with the situation. The parents should become the member of any support group as soon as their child has been diagnoses with ADD. Counseling teaches the kid how to control the impulsive behavior and that help him to better manage the disorder.

The basic rule for dealing with the problem of ADD is to treat it like any other disease. Along with medication, psychological support is the crucial part of dealing with this disorder. Never compare the ADD diagnosed child with his siblings. Give him clear, specific but short instructions and establish a strict routine at home.

Content Provider: http://www.my-articles.com

Content Provider: http://www.my-articles.com

Disclaimer: Internet Special Education Resources (ISER) provides this information in an effort to help parents find local special education professionals and resources. ISER does not recommend or endorse any particular special education referral source, special educational methodological bias, type of special education professional, or specific special education professional.


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