Job and Life Skills Training for People with Asperger's: True Colors
by Co-Authors: Michael McManmon, Ed.D, Brenda Brown, MSW, and True Rafferty
Experts Brace for Wave of Autistic Adults, and the Young Adult Transition Programs
from the San Francisco Chronicle
Raising Resilient Children: Parenting Your ASD or LD Child for Post-Secondary Success
by Christine Ryan, Ph.D. and Jenel Meier, M.S. of www.cipworldwide.org
Autism Awareness Month: Why This Matters
by Elizabeth Roberts, PsyD, of www.cipworldwide.org
Bullying and Your Special Needs Child
by Judith Greenberg, Ph.D., Director of School Finders, LLC.
Asperger's Diagnosis in Adults and Young Adults: an interview
by Dr. Michael McManmon, Ed.D.
Special Education Advocacy 101: What Every Parent Needs to Know
by Sheryl Frishman, Esq., Frishman & Faber, Mt. Kisco, NY
Weighted Vests for Kids with Sensory Disorder
from Fun and Function, creators of kid-friendly sensory tools and therapy equipment
From Devastation to Acceptance to Advocacy: The Journey of a Mother & Attorney Through the Maze of Autism
by Sheryl Frishman, Esq., Frishman & Faber, Mt. Kisco,NY
"I am an Apple" -- Aspergers / LD students in the Conventional Learning World
by Dr. Michael McManmon, Ed.D.
Building Blocks to Independent Living for Young Adults with Special Needs
by Catherine Sullivan-DeCarlo, Vice President of Admissions and Marketing, Chapel Haven
Vocational Training Options for your Child with LD
By Denise Watson, the Glenholme School
The Proposed Elimination of Asperger's As a Legitimate Medical Diagnosis
by Gary M, Eisenberg, Ph.D.,Child Psychologist, Boca Raton, FL
Person Centered Planning: Help Your Young Adult with Asperger's Chart Her / His Own Course
by Dr. Michael McManmon, Ed.D.
Self-regulation and its Impact on Learning
by Craig Selinger, M.S., President of Brooklyn Learning
What is Aspergers Syndrome?
by Dore Frances, MA, founder of Horizon Family Solutions, LLC
No Link between Autism and Vaccines
by Dr. Michael Oberschneider, Director of Ashburn Psychological Services
Student With Asperger's Overcomes Obstacles and Acclimate to College Life
by Sarah Blackwelder Williams, of CIP (the College Internship Program)
Reframing Social Situations Helps Young Adults with Aspergers Improve Their Social Skills
By Michael McManmon, EdD, and Dan McManmon, BA, of the College Internship Program (CIP)
Visual Learning Strategies for Children with Autism / Asperger's
by Sarah Major, MA, Child1st Publications
Children with Asperger's Syndrome: Characteristics/Learning Styles and Intervention Strategies
by Susan Stokes, Autism Consultant
How Brain Training Can Help a Child with Autism / PDD
by Kim Hanson, of LearningRx
How to Choose a Camp for Your Child with Special Needs and / or LD
by Dr. Judith Greenberg, of School Finders, LLC
Bridging the Gap:
Students on Spectrum Find Hope After High School
By Sarah Blackwelder-Williams
Games and Pretend Play at an Early Age Can Improve I.Q., Language and Social Skills
From Fun and Function Toys, LLC
Music Can Make Learning Fun and Engaging for Children with LD
by Heather Lewis of Rockngolive.com
Two Important Issues To Address For Symptoms Along The Autistic Spectrum
by By C.C. Raphael, Director of Operations, Evenbetternow, LLC
Options and Treatments for Aspergers Syndrome
by Dave Angel
What is a Functional Behavior Assessment "FBA" and Why do I Need One?
by Sheryl Frishman, Esq., Frishman & Faber, Mt. Kisco,NY
Can that be Right? IQ and Autism
by Allison Hertog, J.D., Florida School Partners advocacy
What is Executive Functioning, and what can be done for people with Executive Functioning Difficulties?
by Scott Crouse, of www.ldinfo.com
Alternative Approaches to Multiply Disabled Children -- Autism and Cerebral Palsy
by Andrew Brereton
Non Verbal Learning Disabilities (NLVD) and the Implications for Your Child
by Scott Crouse, of www.ldinfo.com
Learning independent Living Skills at Home:
Give your child a net, not a fish
By Douglas Gould, Residential Coordinator, The Berkshire Center
Traveling with Special Needs Children
by Aviva Weiss, Founder of Fun and Function Toys, LLC
Transition to Adult Skills for Teens with Aspergers
by Sandi Kahn Shelton, The New Haven Register
The Art of Letting Go -- Aspergers / LD students Living on Their Own or At School
by Dr. Michael McManmon, Ed.D.
How to Cope with Your Child's Diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome
by Dave Angel
Dealing with Aggression in Children with Aspergers
by Dave Angel, Social Worker
Five Different Types of Autism
by Rachel Evans
Early Indicators of Autism in Very Young Children
by Dr. Jared Maloff, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Los Angeles, CA
Transition Program for Young Adults with Aspergers Syndrome
by Judith Lefkotwitz, Chapel Haven, New Haven, CT, and Tucson, AZ
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provides this information in an effort to help parents find local special
education professionals, resources, and treatment plans. ISER does not recommend or endorse
any particular special education referral source, treatment method, type of special
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